Terms & Conditions.

General Terms and Conditions of Use

By using the Cato Mortgages website and the content, tools, applications, software, technology and other features contained on the Cato Mortgages website and mobile applications, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use. These terms of use are general terms and conditions of using and accessing the Cato Mortgages website (www.catomortgages.com)as well as all mobile applications.

These terms and conditions cover the general terms of the website including ecommerce, intellectual property, usage, third party data, cookies, search tools, and other tools used on Cato Mortgages.com. Cato Mortgages reserves the right to change or update the terms and conditions of the Cato Mortgages website at any time, any such change will take effect when uploaded to this page.

Therefore, it is your obligation to check for updates and changes to these terms. For future references you should print this page.

The date of these terms and conditions are found at the bottom of this page. “Terms” means these Terms and Conditions of use and obligations.

“Cato Mortgages”, means the trading name of Cato Mortgages Ltd, with the company number 15264404 and website (i.e. www.catomortgages.com).

“content” means all data information files that are owned by Cato Mortgages.

“user” is used to include any persons, business or individual who uses www.catomortgages.com “use” and “using” means using, viewing, listening or interacting with any content on the Cato Mortgages website at any time.

“third party” means any other websites or business or individuals or any other person who are not Cato Mortgages.

“businesses” means any business or corporation users.

“individuals” means non-business users.

“rights” means any rights that Cato Mortgages own or are entitled to.

“advertiser” means someone whether a business or individual are advertises on the Cato Mortgages website or is part of the Cato Mortgages Advertisers Network and advertises on Publishers’ websites and applications.

“publisher” means someone whether a business or individual who promotes Cato Mortgages or Advertisers’ businesses,products or services on their website, blog, social media accounts or mobile applications.

For how cookies or personal information are collected and used please see the Cato Mortgages Privacy Policy.


1 Using Cato Mortgages

By using the Cato Mortgages website and any application you agree:

·       To comply with all the terms and conditions of Cato Mortgages.

·       To access view use or listen to any content that are not within any restricted area of the website or downloaded without prior authorisation from Cato Mortgages.                                       .

·       You may not infringe or attempt to infringe any applicable laws when using Cato Mortgages to access, view, interact, or listen to any Cato Mortgages content.

·       You may not infringe or attempt to infringe the privacy of any other Cato Mortgages users including (though not limited to)storing personal information or usage details.

·       You may not use or manipulate any Cato Mortgages content in any way to bring Cato Mortgages or Cato Mortgages partners into disrepute or cause any liability to Cato Mortgages.

·       You agree to only use Cato Mortgages and access, download, view, interact, and/or listen to any content, information, or data on Cato Mortgages as it is intended by Cato Mortgages to be used and shall not use it in any other way without Cato Mortgages’ permission.

·       You agree to not charge directly or indirectly others for accessing, listening to, viewing, interacting and/or using any Cato Mortgages content; or attempting to re-sell Cato Mortgages content in any way; this includes advertising or selling any content which Cato Mortgages offers, including any Third Parties’ content, data, information or otherwise. Clause1.7 is not applicable with the expressed consent of Cato Mortgages.

·       You agree not to disrupt or try to disrupt the Cato Mortgages website.

·       You may not use the Cato Mortgages website to distribute any malicious or harmful programmes or software viruses, or to harass, or to carry out any other harmful or objectionable activities, or any activities that restrict or prevent others from accessing Cato Mortgages content.

·       You may not cause offence to any other user of Cato Mortgages, including but not limited to race, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.

·       You may not make on any remarks or comments on any forums, comment areas, social networks, or any other areas of the Cato Mortgages website or social network accounts or mobile applications, which may harm the reputation of any other business or to “troll” or bully any others including those who do not use the Cato Mortgages website and related services.

·       You may not use any of the Cato Mortgages website to promote, market, or advertise any products or services without the prior written consent of Cato Mortgages.


1.    Ownership of Rights

·       Cato Mortgages own all the copyright, design rights, trademarks, patents, and any other intellectual property rights in or on the Cato Mortgages content. All rights are reserved by Cato Mortgages. Nothing in these terms grants a license or any other such rights for you to use any of the intellectual property rights that Cato Mortgages and/or Third Parties owns.                    .

·       Any licenses assignments or any other grant of rights shall only be given by expressed consent from Cato Mortgages.

·       “Cato Mortgages” is a licensee of the trademark of Money Global Limited covering “Cato”, under the registration numberUK00003437773.


2.    Nature of the Content on the Cato Mortgages website                              .

o  By using the Cato Mortgages website you are agreeing and accepting that all information contained in the content of Cato Mortgages are for educational purposes only and therefore the use, distribution and interpretation of any information on this site is at the sole risk of the user.


·       Advertisers content on the Cato Mortgages are owned and created by third party Advertisers and are promotional in nature. Cato Mortgages may earn income and commission from Advertisers for displaying and your interaction with Advertisers’ content on Cato Mortgages.


·       Cato Mortgages excludes any liability arising or at the result of any information gained or accessed on the Cato Mortgages website that has been created by Cato Mortgages or third parties or Advertsers.


·       You acknowledge and understand that the content on the Cato Mortgages website, social networks and mobile applications may be out of date or contain errors, in which Cato Mortgages will not have any liability for any use of the content displayed where they are out of date or contains errors.


3.    Contributions to Cato Mortgages

·       Any contributions that you make to the Cato Mortgages website shall not be made in any way that is harmful to other persons whether individuals or businesses or corporations.


·       You own any copyright by providing content to Cato Mortgages, and therefore are responsible for any liability that arises due to your contributions to the content of Cato Mortgages.


·       You agree that any contributions made by you may be altered changed or adapted by Cato Mortgages for any purpose that Cato Mortgages wishes to use it for. Cato Mortgages may use any contributions for its own purpose.


·       You agree that any information that you contribute are not to promote, market, or sell any product service or business or individual in any way, unless expressed consent is given by Cato Mortgages.


·       You agree that any contributions whether articles, videos, audios or otherwise can be promoted by Cato Mortgages on any website or applications or advertising platforms.


4.    Purchasing Products or Service by Third Parties

·       Cato Mortgages shall not be liable for any economic loss, loss of reputation, loss of  business, loss of profit, loss of expected earning, loss of expected profits, any such loss incurred by any user or purchaser of any Third Party’s products, or services, or information  provided on or referred from the Cato Mortgages website.


·       Cato Mortgages shall not be liable for any information, products or services that are on Third Party websites whether displayed on the Cato Mortgages website or not. .

·       The user understands and agrees that Cato Mortgages are not making any representations or guarantees to the accuracy of any information provided by or about a Third Party’s business, website, product or service.


5.    E-Commerce Terms and Conditions

o  Purchasing– Any purchases made on the Cato Mortgages website means that you are   agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions stated on this page, unless there is an expressed alternative terms and conditions created by Cato Mortgages for that individual item for sale.

·       Cato Mortgages will not be liable for any purchases made on Third Party website.

·       Order Process– Any orders made on Cato Mortgages are subjected to the terms and conditions listed on this page unless there is an expressed alternative terms and conditions created by Cato Mortgages for that individual item for sale.

·       The completion of the contract between you and Cato Mortgages and the acceptance of your offer takes place on the dispatch of your order if purchase takes place on the website, or when agreement is made inwriting for phone or other advice.

·       Clause 6.3.1 has the exception of services where the acceptance of your offer and completion of the contract between you and Cato Mortgages will take place once the service has commenced.


·       Confirmation of your order will be shown on the confirmation page or sent by email t, in   which specific details will be shown on completion of the order.


·       Payment– Cato Mortgages accepts payment via PayPal, BACs payments, Faster payment, CHAPs payments, and cheque.

·       Refunds Returns and Cancellations– A

·       Cato Mortgages reserves the right to refuse a refund being given on cancellation of a service provided by Cato Mortgages after the service has been commenced. Cancellation   of any services that have already commenced which has been provided by Cato Mortgages may result in a penalty charge to the buyer of the service.

·       Limitation and Exclusion of Liability– None of the terms and condition made on the Cato Mortgages website excludes or limits liability from death caused directly by any Cato Mortgages products or services, as applicable by the Law.

·       Cato Mortgages excludes any liability arising of from economic loss, loss of goodwill or reputation; any indirect loss; any loss suffered from the negligence of Third Parties or the consumer themselves.

·       Although Cato Mortgages tries to take all precautions to protect any information you provide to us, Cato Mortgages shall not be liable for any information that has been subject to unauthorised access to the information.

·       Cookies .

o  Cato Mortgages may use cookies to provide the best service therefore you agree that by using    the Cato Mortgages website you are giving implied consent for Cato Mortgages to use cookies on your computer.

·       If you do not agree to the use of cookies, disable the cookies in the setting of your internet browser.

·       All information obtained from cookies by Cato Mortgages are stored and used subject to Cato Mortgages Privacy Policy.


6.    Search Tools, Job Listings and Job Advertisements                             .

o  Cato Mortgages does not take any liability for any fault, error, or issues arising from the Search Tools, Job Listings and Job Advertisements.

·       Miscellaneous

o  No rights or obligations of these terms and conditions can be assigned licensed or novated by the user the Cato Mortgages website.


·       Cato Mortgages reserves the right to assign novate or license these terms and conditions to Third Parties.


·       No delay or failure to enforce any rights of Cato Mortgages has under these terms and  conditions will act as a waiver to any of the terms and conditions to prevent Cato Mortgages from any remedies available.


·       If any clause in these terms and conditions are found to be unenforceable or invalid by an appropriate legal authority operating under the legal jurisdiction of England, the remaining clauses of the terms and conditions shall not be affected and still be enforceable.


·       No third parties may claim any rights or enforce any terms of these terms and conditions. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)Act 1999 is excluded from these terms and conditions.


·       Governing Law

·       These terms and conditions and the Cato Mortgages website is governed by the laws of England and Wales.


·       By using the Cato Mortgages website, products or services or any other features of Cato Mortgages and the Cato Mortgages website you are submitting to the legal jurisdiction of England and Wales.

·       Entire Agreement


All documents and agreements that are mentioned in this terms and conditions supersede any prior agreements representations and/or understandings made between Cato Mortgages and you. All documents referred to in these terms and conditions are to be taken as forming the entire agreement and understanding between Cato Mortgages and you.

·       Data Protection

Cato Mortgages is obliged to follow the existing Data Protection laws of England for any information we retain from you. Therefore we shall not share you information with any third parties except for the necessity to execute an operation of a service, or product or application or feature of this website; as required under law of England or in the event acquisition of assets relating to Cato Mortgages or change of ownership.

·       Termination Modification and Alterations

Cato Mortgages may terminate, modify and alter any feature on the Cato Mortgages website at any time without prior notice. Cato Mortgages may terminate modify and alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

Cato Mortgages Referral Incentive Scheme Terms and Conditions

1.     Introduction These Terms and Conditions governs the Cato Mortgages Ltd’s  Referral Incentive Scheme("Scheme"). By participating in the Scheme, you("Referrer") agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions.


2.     Eligibility To participate in the Scheme, the Referrer must provide their full name, mobile number, and email address. Participation is open to individuals who are at least 18 years old.


3.     Referral Criteria The Referrer will receive a reward (see term 5) for each new client referred to Cato Mortgages, in which:

3.1.          The referred client must be a new client and not an existing or previous client of Cato Mortgages.

3.2.          No more than 5 referrals can be made by an individual


4.     Method of Referral All referrals must be made in good faith and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Referrer’s details must include their full name, email address and mobile phone number; and must be submitted by either the Referrer themselves, or the person who is being referred to Cato Mortgages(i.e. the person seeking a mortgage or other related services).


5.     Payment of Rewards

5.1.          Referrers will receive £50 per referral that is made where the client has successfully obtained their mortgage via Cato Mortgages.

5.2.          Payment of the reward will be made direct to the Referrer’s bank account within 30 days of the client’s mortgage completing.

5.3.          Cato Mortgages reserves the right to alter or terminate the reward amount at any time without prior notice.

6.     Marketing and Advertising Referrers are not permitted to advertise or promote Cato Mortgages without prior written approval from Cato Mortgages. Only Cato Mortgages' published and approved marketing materials may be used for referral purposes. The Referrer must not use any illegal, unethical, or immoral means to obtain referrals.


7.     Termination

7.1.          Cato Mortgages reserves the right to review and monitor all referrals. Any fraudulent, illegal, or unethical referrals will result in immediate termination of participation in the Scheme and forfeiture of any pending rewards.

7.2.          Cato Mortgages reserves the right to modify or terminate the Scheme at any time, without prior notice.

8.     Relationship Participation in the Scheme does not establish any form of partnership,employment, or agency relationship between the Referrer and Cato Mortgages. TheReferrer is not a part of Cato Mortgages' organisation or the Mortgage AdvisersNetwork.


9.     Data Protection Referrer’s details will be stored in accordance with the Cato Mortgage’sPrivacy Policy – www.catomortgages.com/privacy

10. Confidentiality The Referrer agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any non-publicinformation regarding Cato Mortgages, its clients, and its services. Misuse ofsuch information will result in disqualification from the Scheme and potentiallegal action.


11. Governing Law These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising from or inconnection with the Scheme shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction ofthe courts of England and Wales.


12.  Acceptance of Terms By participating in the Scheme, theReferrer acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound bythese terms and conditions.

For any questions orfurther information, please contact Cato Mortgages at www.catomortgages.com.

Cato Mortgages Ltd,

Company Number: 15264404,

Company Address: Trimble House, 9 Bold Street, Warrington, England, WA11DN